A lot of attention has been focused the $99 APS energy audits lately, and I keep getting asked, “well, is SRP going to come out with a similar program?” Yes, in fact, the Salt River Project utility provider is expected to have a similar program in the fall; however, SRP currently has a wealth of energy efficiency DIY tips and guidance at their website and a current efficiency rebate program! One of the DIY tips I like best are the step-by-step instructions on shade screens assembly and programmable thermostat installation. SRP currently has rebates for $3 / ft2 or shade screens. In a previous blog I posted an outline of SRP’s current rebate programs but what I forgot to add to that table, is the all important energy audit! SRP recently subsidized a complete energy audit for around $200 - $300 homeowner costs and is expected to lower those costs come 2011.
The table below shows the most common sources of heat gain in Arizona according to SRP.
Windows 48% Walls and Doors 19% Activities and People 14% Weatherization 13% Ceiling 6% Surprising? A couple years ago I would have told you that air or duct leakage would be at the top, and it may be for your home depending on age, construction defects, orientation and a number of other factors. A good energy auditor will be able to prioritize the sources of your home’s heat gain, which is the basis for an effective game plan to reduce utility bills, increase comfort and improve indoor air quality. (Source: http://www.srpnet.com/energy/ess/heatgain.aspx) |
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