The APS rebate program for energy audits, energy saving improvements air conditioning rebates are disappearing. Overnight APS has cut rebates to their energy audit program, removing rebates for air conditioning systems and air sealing completely. The APS rebate for a home energy audit has also been eliminated. APS pulled funding to the energy audit program with tens of thousands of dollars still remaining with no explanation and now they are making cut backs to popular programs that save homeowners money on their energy bills. APS New Rate Plans The APS new rate plans are designed to change homeowner’s lifestyles and how they use the air conditioner to stay comfortable in the summer. Although the changes to the rebate program and the new APS rate hike are not correlated they will have a big affect on homeowner’s energy bills this summer. On peak hours change from 12-7 pm to 3 -8 pm and a demand charge will increase homeowner’s energy bills by 56% on average. Learn how to best manage your energy use with APS new rate increase here. APS Air Conditioner Rebate ProgramThe APS AC Quality Installation program will not accept any new rebate applications for units installed after March 7, 2018. If your air conditioner was installed before the March 7th deadline, you have until March 21st to submit your rebate application. The APS AC rebate was popular because it ensured a quality install. The air conditioner rebate had a minimum SEER requirement of 14 and EER of 11.0. An additional requirement was that a Manual J calculation had to be done on the home to verify the correct air conditioner size was installed and the program also required additional tests after the system was installed. Each unit needed to be charged properly and airflow and psychometric readings needed to be taken after every install as part of the AC rebate program. Eliminating the AC rebate program removes a quality control step that protects homeowners from AC contractors cutting corners. Duct Test & Repair Rebate Program Beginning January 1st 2018, the duct test and repair program is canceled. The duct test and repair program was a standalone program that allowed homeowners to seal their ductwork without performing a full energy audit and still receive a $250 duct sealing rebate from APS. It was a popular program but unfortunately abused by some bad apple contractors, which may have contributed to its cancellation. Ductwork sealing has always been one of the most cost effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of a home in Phoenix. Both APS and SRP estimate that a typical Arizona home has ductwork leaks of 15% on average. Since most of the Phoenix homes have ductwork in the attic the ductwork stays hot in the summer and air conditioners have to work to overtime to keep the house comfortable. Although APS is eliminating their rebate program, many homeowners still realize the benefits of having an air conditioning system installed correctly, of making their home energy efficient by ductwork sealing or additional insulation and managing their energy usage. With or without APS rebates we will continue to provide homeowners with lower energy bills, a more comfortable home and better air quality.
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